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In this page http://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/module#InEnrichedCategory, They defined the left module over a monoid object A as an enriched presheaf. However, consider the modules over a ring, the left module should be an enriched functor. Is it a flaw or there is some reasons.
The same thing happens in http://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/bimodule, They defined the bimodule as a enriched functor
However, this is not the case in the usual use of bimoudles over two rings since a bimodule, where are two rings, is actually a enriched functor
Welcome to the forum! FYI, you can make links to the nlab from here with the same syntax you would use for linking between pages on the lab, e.g. [[bimodule]]
makes bimodule.
As for your question, I think it depends on how you regard a ring as an Ab-enriched category. Is the product regarded as the composite or the composite ?
Thanks for your information.
I think in traditional notation, is the abbreviation of , that is the composite . What’s more, in the paragraph just next to the definition, they say a left module is equivalently an enriched functor.
In a ring , is not an abbreviation, but is the product operation. When regarding a ring equivalently as a pointed connected -enriched category there are two equivalent ways in doing so: each element is regarded as a morphism in , but then one may decide either way if composition of morphisms corresponds to the product or to the product . Both conventions have their justification, but in either case they are (just) conventions.
All that non-withstanding, I agree that the entry could use at least a remark on this issue, if this doesn’t become clear. Somebody hopefully is so kind to add it.
3: yes, for the ordinary composition, a left module is simply Ab-functor and a right module is simply Ab-presheaf. Then --bimodule is -presheaf. Cf.
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