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The latest entry in the instiki changelog reads:
* 0.19.7
New Features:
* Supports Ruby 2.0 and 2.1
* itex2MML 1.5.1:
* readers can access TeX source by
- double-clicking on a formula (Firefox)
- using the MathJax contextual menu (other browsers)
* Several new commands, including
* Support for LaTeX \cite{} command (with auto-linking of
INSPIRE and MathSciNet Bibtex keys).
* MathJax 2.3
* SVG-Edit 2.7.1
* Rails 2.3.18
Bugs Fixed:
* Many SVG-Edit and Maruku bugs fixed
* Maruku is now up to 50% faster
* Fixed DNSBLcheck
* Redirect #new to #edit if the page already exists
* Unvendored several gems
I’d like to highlight the second entry in Bugs Fixed
Also, Jacques wrote to me about the \cite
command saying that keys in MathSciNet or SPIRES should hyperlink to their respective webpages. This might be a useful feature …
Sounds excellent!
I suppose if I dig around I’ll find documentation for the new commands and for how to use the \cite-functionality.
The email I got from Jacques had the following sample:
In earlier work \cite{chacaltana:2010ks, fubar, MR3046557}, we actually did stuff.
I’ve just pasted that in to the Sandbox and it appears to just work!
Proceeding by this guesswork, I tried
in the dropbox. But it won’t save, gives me the “smoke error”.
Actually, the smoke error is ubiquitous at the moment, comes up all over the place when saving entries. Mostly going back and trying to submit again works after one or two attempts. But some pages, like the Sandbox here, just won’t save at all anymore.
Taking the hint, I have added Chacaltana-Distler 10 to “AGT correspondence”. But clearly the formatting would benefit a lot from documentation of the cite-feature.
For instance trying to create a new page with the following code produces the smoke error, and no repeating seems to help:
## Idea
[[cup product]] in [[differential cohomology]]
## Examples
* [[cup product in ordinary differential cohomology]]
[[!redirects cup product on differential cohomology]]
[[!redirects cup product in generalized differential cohomology]]
[[!redirects cup product on generalized differential cohomology]]
[[!redirects cup product in differential generalized cohomology]]
[[!redirects cup product on differential generalized cohomology]]
Hm, it seems the entry does save alright, but the smoke error is shown nevertheless after saving. Ignoring it and trying to load the page again via “show” seems to work.
Yes, that’s it, also at Sandbox, my attempt at
did save alright, even though the smoke-error is shown after saving.
(Nevertheless, \cite does not know this syntax.)
What does it mean “smoke-error” ? It would be helpful to be more straight.
Just edit any page, and you’ll see it. It’s the nLab error message telling you that something went really wrong and then meaning to be funny by asking if you smell any smoke.
It seems to be something to do with over-large cookies. At least, the error says “CookieOverflow”. Given the Instiki error message, I’m blaming Alfred the Great for this.
In the meantime, I’ve emailed Jacques.
Thanks Andrew!
Jacques says to try deleting your nLab cookies and try again.
Is the idea that it’s only me who experiences this?
I got it too, but I can’t test right now.
Urs 10: I was afraid to touch the nLab not to mess something but now I did and things work now fine for me. Thanks all.
What is begintoggle supposed to do?
Zoran, you say things work fine for you, does that mean you don’t get error messages when calling anything on the nLab? I get them all over the place, it makes using the nLab rather tedious and frustrating. (Not to speak of the effect on my poor subconciousness of reading “something really bad just happened” a thousand times per day ;-)
Who else experiences this?
For instance, when I call the url
I get the “very bad”-“smoke” error message no matter what. It is impossibe for me to read that page (or to create it, as I assume it doesn’t exist yet).
Did you try clearing your cookies?
I just created Hodge cohomology with no smoke.
18: I edited yesterday about 3-4 pages related to math resources without any problems. Also, showing Hodge cohomology is fine.
Thanks for creating Hodge cohomology, I could now go there and add content.
I haven’t erased my cookies yet. My Opera seems to only know how to delete absolutely all cookies, and that will mean some more inconvenience for me.
Should we add a message on the nLab home page that people may have to erase their cookies in order to use the nLab?
20-22 I use firefox and did not erase any cookies. I am on a different network than the network I used before but with the same laptop.
I’m using Chrome and not seeing any error messages.
My Opera seems to only know how to delete absolutely all cookies
The top hit for “Opera delete cookies” was this official page on cookes in Opera which contains the paragraph (emphasis mine):
Selecting “Manage Cookies” in the Cookies preferences tab allows you to add new domains, delete cookies, and edit cookie settings specifically for each server. The Cookie Manager displays, which lists all the domains from which you currently have cookies.
As I said in the other thread, it seems the problem has been fixed.(?) At least since yesterday I don’t get any of the above error messages any more.
(If the problem has been fixed, then maybe now the big original version of geometry of physics would work again (that used to trigger what on the user side looks like the same kind of problem, before I broke it up into smaller sub-entries).)
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