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Larusson formulates the Oka principle homotopy-theoretically as: a complex manifold is Oka if for every Stein manifold the canonical map
between the mapping spaces is a weak homotopy equivalence (see here).
It is natural to wonder what this looks like in terms of the cohesion of the -topos over .
If we write , then up to possible technicalities to be checked, it should simply mean
where is the internal hom.
(Something close to this (but not quite the same) is what Lawvere calls the “axiom of continuity” in a cohesive topos.)
If instead we work internally and let be the shape modality, then the above is equivalently
In either case, it is a very natural condition to ask for in general cohesive -toposes. Maybe one should call it the Oka-Larusson property or something…
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