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created a minimum at global field
This seems unrelated to local field. That page already has a warning about terminology; should we add this?
Yes, should be added.
Rather than say “unrelated to”, I would say it’s “contrasted with” local field. Of course there are relations between the two; a global field is frequently analyzed in terms of its local field completions. What would the warning say?
The most basic warning is just to not think that the concepts are negations.
That’s what I figured; thanks.
I suppose the terminology originates in – or at least may be read in hindsight as – the fact that global fields are the fields which arise as global sections of the sheaf of rational functions on an arithmetic curve over 𝔽p or “over 𝔽1”.
The Wikipedia entry kind of sort of gets in this direction in its historical paragraph, but is not too specific.
…as global sections…
A term in some dependent product type then?
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