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created arithmetic jet space, so far only highlighting the statement that at prime p these are X×Spec(ℤ)Spec(ℤp) (regarded so in Borger’s absolute geometry by applying the Witt ring construction (Wn)* to it).
This is what I had hoped that the definition/characterization would be, so I am relieved. Because this is of course just the definition of synthetic differential geometry with Spec(ℤp) regarded as the pth abstract formal disk.
Well, or at least this is what Buium defines. Borger instead calls (Wn)* itself already the arithmetic jet space functor. I am not sure yet if I follow that.
I am hoping to realize the following: in ordinary differential geometry then synthetic differential infinity-groupoids is cohesive over “formal moduli problems” and here the flat modality ♭ is exactly the analog of the above “jet space” construction, in that it evaluates everything on formal disks. Moreover, ♭ canonically sits in a fracture suare together with the “cohesive rationalization” operation [ΠdR(−),−] and hence plays exactly the role of the arithmetic fracture square, but in smooth geometry. I am hoping that Borger’s absolute geometry may be massaged into a cohesive structure over the base Et(Spec(𝔽1)) that makes the cohesive fracture square reproduce the arithmetic one.
If Borger’s absolute direct image were base change to Spec(ℤp) followed by the Witt vector construction, then this would come really close to being true. Not sure what to make of it being just that Witt vector construction. Presently I have no real idea of what good that actually is (apart from giving any base topos for Et(Spec(Z)), fine, but why this one? Need to further think about it.)
I didn’t really say the above well yet. Have now included at arithmetic jet space at least a brief remark and a pointer on how the construction of rings of Witt vectors is an arithmetic analog of formal power series, namely of p-adics.
If I had time I would now dig deeply into this, since this means that the direct image
Γ:Et(Spec(ℤ))→Et(Spec(𝔽1))in Borger’s absolute geometry is analogous to the direct image
The arrows in the diagram there aren’t right, are they?
Maybe I am too rushed to see what you mean (and my battery is about to quit again). Do you mean this diagram?
I meant in arithmetic jet space, there is
Therefore in the sense of synthetic differential geometry the p-formal neighbourhood of any arithmetic scheme X around a global point x:Spec(ℤ)→X is the space of lifts
Spf(ℤp)ˆx⟶X↘↙Spec(ℤ).So the two lower arrows should go the other way?
Now I see what you mean. I did mean it the way it’s displayed, but you are right that the actual lft would be expressed by reversing the arrows, or maybe better by adding arrows on top. I should improve that whole entry, it’s a bit of a hasty remark.
But now I first need to take care if some offline bureaucracy annoyance.
6: I am totally confused – if you label x:Spec(ℤ)→X why this is not straightforwardly good in triangle diagram but works only as “arrow on top” ? I suggest that at least Idea section has a unique convention and then additional things be put in main part if you feel so.
I added a reference to Buium’s new book:
So then thought to start a new page arithmetic differential geometry. I hadn’t realised that his approach diverges from Borger’s:
The non-vanishing curvature in our theory also prevents our arithmetic differential geometry from directly fitting into Borger’s λ-ring framework [13] for 𝔽1; indeed, roughly speaking, λ-ring structure leads to zero curvature. For each individual prime, though, our theory is consistent with Borger’s philosophy of 𝔽1.
Thanks! I have added more cross-links from other relevant pages.
I added a reference for the generalisation of jet spaces to a finite set of primes.
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