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On the page countable choice there seemed to be an unsubstantiated claim that weak countable choice proves that the Cauchy and the Dedekind reals coincide. I have cleaned it up a bit. It’s not perfect yet.
I probably put it there through mixing up and in my mind (as both weak forms of ), helped because also proves this result.
But you don't need to give every (located Dedekind) real number a Cauchy sequence, even with specified modulus. is sufficient, because each approximation will automatically be close enough to all of the others if you just make them all twice as precise as would at first seem necessary.
I think that is enough, but I can't remember why; it's probably in Troelstra & van Dalen.
I added to countable choice the following remark by Fred Richman, which is also borne out by my experience:
Countable choice is a blind spot for constructive mathematicians in much the same way as excluded middle is for classical mathematicians.
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