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You may remember that a good while back we had had lively discussion here on sphere-spectrum augmented infinity-groups of units, partly due to to the remarks at superalgebra – Abstract idea.
I was reminded of this when discussing the -arithmetic geometry under at the end of differential cohesion and idelic structure. There one runs into “nonunital affine” -varieties
being the formal duals of nonunital E-infinity rings.
Now by Lurie’s vast generalization (here) of the elementary fact that Zhen Lin had kindly highligted in recent discussion, there is an equivalence
between nonunital -rings and sphere-spectrum augmented E-∞ rings, given by unitalization and by forming augmentation ideals, respectively.
This message here is about noticing the following:
given a unital -ring , write for its image under
By inspection of the proof of prop. in Higher Algebra one finds that indeed there is a homotopy fiber sequence of underlying spectra
(which is just the statement that indeed the inverse equivalence to unitalization is is given by forming augmentation ideals).
But now the ∞-group of units-functor preserves -limits in any case (being given by homotopy pullback of values of right adjoint functors) and so from the above we canonically have a homotopy fiber (and hence cofiber) sequence of abelian ∞-groups
This is at least similar to Sagave’s augmentation here. is just restricted to the -subgroup of .
In conclusion, I am beginning to wonder if the appearance of nonunital -geometry in “arithmetic cohesion” is more of a virtue than a bug.
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