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added the following story to the Properties-section of Dedekind eta function and also to the Examples-section of functional determinant and zeta function of an elliptic differential operator:
For E=ℂ/(ℤ⊕τℤ) a complex torus (complex elliptic curve) equipped with its standard flat Riemannian metric, then the zeta function of the corresponding Laplace operator Δ is
ζΔ=(2π)−2sE(s)≔(2π)−2s∑(k,l)∈ℤ×ℤ−(0,0)1|k+τl|2s.The corresponding functional determinant is
exp(E′(0))=(Imτ)2|η(τ)|4,where η is the Dedekind eta function.
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