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There’s quite a bit on the n-lab about effective epimorphisms in ∞-toposes, so maybe I’m just not putting it together correctly, but I’m wondering if anyone here knows if there’s a characterization (in print somewhere, preferably) of effective epimorphisms for A∞-ring spectra. In particular, I suspect there should be some kind of statement like: For f:A→B, a morphism of connected A∞-ring spectra, we can recover A from the Amitsur complex (dually, the Cech nerve) of f as long as π0(f) is an isomorphism and π1(f) is a surjection.
This sort of statement is proven by Gunnar Carlsson in the context of what he calls “derived completion” but he works with the S-algebra framework of Elmendorf, Kriz, May and Mandell, and it seems like it should be a much more general topos theoretic statement for an ∞-topos. Incidentally, has anyone written down anything about the topos of A∞-ring spectra at all? At first glance it seems like most of Lurie’s work on the subject is for E∞-rings.
Thanks! Jon
Do A_∞-ring spectra even form a ∞-topos? It does not appear, for example, that colimits in A_∞-ring spectra are universal (i.e., commute with pullbacks), which would prevent A_∞-ring spectra from forming an ∞-topos.
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