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Started the page cd-structure.
A minor thing, but it’s not true in general that the (∞,1)-topos of sheaves for a cd-structure is hypercomplete. The (∞,1)-topos of a coherent topological space is always given by a cd-structure but it may not be hypercomplete (see counterexample in HTT).
Thanks for that correction. I guess I was misled by the fact that, for noetherian schemes, the Nisnevich topology is generated by a cd-structure, and the associated topos is hypercomplete, while both of these facts are false in general (right?).
Do you know any way to characterize the toposes that arise from cd-structures? I guess a necessary condition is generation under contractible colimits by the Yoneda embedding, right?
I don’t know any sufficient conditions. Another fairly strong necessary condition is that representables are compact in the (∞,1)-topos of sheaves.
The Nisnevich topology on non-noetherian schemes is always a confusing topic. Let me try to shed some light on it. Originally, Nisnevich defined the following pretopology: {fi:Xi→X} is a covering if each fi is étale and if every point x∈X has a preimage in some Xi with the same residue field. Let’s call this topology Nisbad. In DAG XI, Lurie has a slightly different definition of the Nisnevich topology on affine schemes, which can be extended to all schemes by throwing in the Zariski topology; let’s call this topology Nis. So we have
Zar≤Nis≤Nisbad≤et.Now let’s fix a scheme X and consider, for each of these topologies τ, the (∞,1)-topos Xτ of τ-sheaves on the category EtX of étale X-schemes (that’s a large category but nevertheless you get a topos). Then:
For these reasons, Nis is often more appropriate than Nisbad. But Nisbad isn’t all that bad. For example, for any X, the (∞,1)-topos X∧Nisbad has a conservative family of points given by the henselizations of the local rings of étale X-schemes. For X qcqs, X∧Nis also has enough points by Lurie’s generalization of Deligne’s theorem, but I don’t know a nice description of the points.
I changed a bit the definition of the associated topology, because what was defined before was not really a pretopology.
I also upgraded Prop. 1 to (∞,1)-presheaves instead of just presheaves, and added a reference.
That’s very helpful, thanks!
have expanded the Idea-section a bit,
boosted the references a little,
cross-linked with the new entry Brown-Gersten property
made completely decomposable Grothendieck topology and variants redirect here
The Zariski topology is given as an example, but not particularly explained. I’ll add a little bit
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