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I have been added a first approximation to an Idea-section to torsion of a G-structure -
Have also added a pointer to Lott 90 and started a stub torsion constraints in supergravity, for the moment only to record some references.
Have also further touched related entries such as torsion of a Cartan connection.
Let me try to restate synthetically the characterization of integrable/torsion-free G-structure the way Lott says it on p. 4 of arXiv:0108125:
Fix a model space 𝔸n with first order infinitesimal disk around the origin denoted 𝔻n↪𝔸n. Assume that the canonical 𝔻n-bundle of 𝔸n is trivial.
Write GL(n):=Aut(𝔻n).
Then (as we discussed in another thread recently) if any X has a formally étale cover by 𝔸n-s then it carries a canonical frame bundle, modulated by some map τX:X⟶BGL(n).
Now fix any group G and a map GStruc:BG⟶BGL(n).
Then given an 𝔸n-manifold X as above, a G-structure on X is equivalently a morphism
in the slice over BGL(n).
So far this is clear. Now regarding how to say synthetically that this G-structure is integrable/torsion free.
To that end, fix a G-structure on the model space
Now I suppose we should say: the G-structure c on X is integrable/torsion-free if there exists a formally étale cover ∐i𝔸n⟶X such that this extends to a morphism of G-structures, i.e. a morphism
in the slice over GStruc (which itself is in the slice over BGL(n)).
So this just expresses that along each patch inclusion 𝔸ni⟶X the G-structure on X restricts to the fixed one on the model space, up to equivalence
τ𝔸ni⟶τXc0↘⇙≃↙cGStrucadded pointer to today’s
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