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added to Poisson bracket Lie n-algebra the two definitions we have and the statement of their equivalence.
(I am about to edit at conserved current and need to point to these ingredients from there)
Added the statement of the extension theorem:
Given a pre n-plectic manifold , then the Poisson bracket Lie -algebra from above is an extension of the Lie algebra of Hamiltonian vector fields , def. \ref{HamiltonianFormsAndVectorFields} by the cocycle infinity-groupoid for ordinary cohomology with real number coefficients in that there is a homotopy fiber sequence in the homotopy theory of L-infinity algebras of the form
where the cocycle , when realized on the model of def. \ref{PoissonBracketLienAlgebra}, is degreewise given by by contraction with .
This is FRS13b, theorem 3.3.1.
As a corollary this means that the 0-truncation is a Lie algebra extension by de Rham cohomology, fitting into a short exact sequence of Lie algebras
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