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I created a page for combinatorial map, as well as a stub for topological map.
Are there pointers to these entries from other nLab entries (except the cross-link betwee then two entries themselves)? Please make sure that there are enough pointers to these entries from relevant other entries, so that people have a chance to find them without a priori knowing that they are looking for them.
Re surface in topological map: I guess you mean a connected orientable closed (= compact without boundary) 2-manifold.
Urs: hmm, okay, I will think of adding some links.
Todd: yes, I think that’s right. (Checking Lando & Zvonkin…yes, they define “surface” as “compact oriented two-dimensional topological manifold”.)
(so what you said, together with a fixed orientation.)
I have tweaked the articles to express that it is possible to consider topological maps on non-oriented surfaces (which people apparently do, though I don’t know if such embedded graphs also have a straightforward connection to combinatorial maps). I also added mutual links with the article ribbon graph, since those are very similar to combinatorial maps.
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