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I added a note to compact closed category on the fact that the inclusion from compact closed categories into SMCCs has a left adjoint, pointing to an article by Day where he describes the free compact closed category over a closed symmetric monoidal category as a localization. Question: this left adjoint is not full, but I believe it is faithful – does anyone know how to prove that?
actually, I’m not so sure the functor is faithful, because I don’t see what rules out Kelly & Mac Lane’s counterexample from “Coherence in closed categories”: the morphism [[[A,I],I],I]→[[[A,I],I],I] defined as the composition [[[A,I],I],I]→[ηA,id][A,I]→η[A,I][[[A,I],I],I] is not the identity in an arbitrary SMCC C, but if I’m not mistaken it must be mapped to the identity in the free compact closed category over C. Perhaps my question was not so relevant.
Actually, I wasn’t even sure what you meant. Reading your last comment, I think you may have meant that the unit of the adjunction M→UFM, where M is an smcc, F is the free (2-)functor, and U is the forgetful (2-)functor from compact closed cats to smcc’s, is faithful, and that’s what you’re calling into question now with the Kelly-Mac Lane example. (The comment in #1 made me wonder whether you meant F itself was faithful in some 2-categorical sense.)
Oh, you’re right, that’s what I actually had in mind. And in thinking that the unit M→UFM was faithful, I was overlooking the Kelly-Mac Lane example.
added pointer to:
and this one:
Add a cross-reference to pregroup grammar.
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