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Added page for evolutionary vector field and explained how the two different definitions are related. This follows a discussion here on this paragraph.
Thanks for adding this!
Some boring editorial comments:
Instiki has the property that any consecutive letters in math mode are set in math-roman. This is great for long names such as UnitOfTheAboveMonad, but gets in the way with the usual habit for some common pre-fixes. In any case, to make tangent bundles etc come out typeset as expected, namely as TX instead of TX there needs to be a whitespace after the T:
$T X$
Apart from fixing that, I have, as usual
added a few more hyperlinks. (Notice that we have not only fiber and bundle but even fiber bundle :-)
added more cross-links (i.e. to and from this entry to related entries, such as vector field, jet bundle, variational bicomplex)
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