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Depends what you mean by “graph”, and morphisms of graphs. If you mean what category theorists usually mean, aka a quiver, then since that category is a presheaf category, exponentials are given by a well-known formula where .
I’m not sure that all the usual notions of graph and morphisms thereof do have exponentials, but some of them are quasitoposes, for example what I called the category of simple graphs. In the case of simple graphs, which are equivalent to presheaves on the category of finite sets (of those cardinalities) and functions between them such that the source target pairing
is monic, it turns out that this is the category of -separated presheaves, and so you’d form exponentials as you do in the presheaf category.
But anyway, you should tell us exactly which category of graphs you have in mind (objects and morphisms).
No: please write out exactly what you mean. I’m not going to try to guess.
Sigh. As I said in #2, there are various notions of graph, and you still haven’t said which one you mean, exactly. Here is a questionnaire:
Are you allowing multiple edges between a given pair of vertices?
Are your graphs directed (i.e. are the edges directed)?
Are you allowing vertices to have loops at them? Must there be a loop at every vertex?
I don’t have Peirce’s book, so this is no help (and he may talk about the category of directed multigraphs, but is that exactly the notion you want, in which case I already answered, or are you working with a different notion?). Notions of morphism may also be subtly different, depending on what you want exactly.
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