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What are some examples of -categories that are complete and cocomplete but not locally presentable? For 1-categories there are plenty of examples, such as:
Of course, these examples can also be regarded as -categories, but I’d like some examples that are “honestly ”. I don’t know of direct -analogues of categories like and .
I am informed that the -category corresponding to with the Hurewicz model structure is complete, cocomplete, and not locally presentable.
What about the ∞-category of Grothendieck ∞-toposes? It is complete and cocomplete, but not locally presentable.
I think it can also be seen as an ∞-version of Top: there is a functor from simplicial locales to Grothendieck ∞-toposes: given a simplicial locale L, take the ∞-colimit over Δ^op of the associated localic ∞-toposes. This functor is probably a localization of some sort (though not necessarily reflective or coreflective).
Thanks, those are good examples. Are there any general families of examples?
I suppose one fairly trivial one is “the opposite of any locally presentable -category”.
Pro-objects in presentable ∞-categories is a family of locally small examples. Their opposites are not presentable either.
At least, provided you don’t take pro-objects in a small presentable category (a.k.a. complete lattice).
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