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I’m trying to get a grip on which iTex commands to use to get sequent derivations to come out properly sized, in a display environment. I’m using \frac which, when used multiple times, makes characters come out tiny. The \dfrac command doesn’t seem to be recognized.
On my unpublished personal web, I have this (as part of a bullet point):
X×B→PAinSX×B↛AinRel(S)X↛A×BinRel(S)X→P(A×B)inSwhich is totally inelegant. Ideas what I should be doing?
I’m not very proficient with iTex, but how about using array with “\rowlines{solid}” option?
X×B→PAinSX×B↛AinRel(S)X↛A×BinRel(S)X→P(A×B)inSNice, Karol! Too bad we don’t have the mathpartir
package in iTeX…
Thank you, Karol!! That seems to work well, and I think it will save me a lot of time.
There ought to be (at some point) some examples of sequent derivations at the nLab (main), and this may be the way to go.
This should be put in the HowTo as well.
I tried to put this in the HowTo. Not too competently, I’m afraid.
Thanks! I indented the code for the derivation so that the numbered list would continue after it.
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