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As I get ready to submit my paper to the Journal of Math and Music, I can’t help but wonder if there are going to be enough (or “a”) reviewer that understands or wants to understand CT in order to make sense of how I’ve analyzed musical structures with it.
Further, I can’t help but think that Mazzola’s topos has done harm to CT and music by giving people the impression that you can’t CT and music in less than 1300 pages.
With this in mind and aside from the nJournal, what are some CT-friendly publications that you know of or are all math-related journals “expected” to know or have someone that knows CT?
My fear is my paper is too “musical” for a math journal and too “categorical” for a music journal and thus any advice on how to get my “natural,universal, and musical” message out there would be most welcome.
Here is a link to my current draft in case you’d want to see what I’m talking about:
Maybe Thomas Noll or Thomas Fiore could give some advice on journals. Did you have success contacting them?
No, not yet. Do you think I should reach out again?
I’m pretty bad about “spamming” people with my works… if I don’t get a response to my first, I usually just back off. To continue otherwise makes me seems a little “crackpotty” and “desperate” if you take my meaning.
Baez on the other hand got back to me right away, but only once; I know he has more important things to think about so I’m thankful for even that one. :)
The “Journal of Mathematics and Music” is meant for exactly this kind of material. I know that they had submissions on music and ∞-categories for which referees were found.
Thanks Urs!
That’s exactly the kind of reassurance I was looking for. :)
And at least Thomas Fiore, who Todd mentioned in #2, is editor of JMM. I suppose you could just submit to him.
So he is! (facepalm)
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