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Just a quick note: you can write [[identity type]]
here to make a link to the page identity type.
As for the content of your question, I agree; I think that that usage of “canonical” on the page is actually borderline wrong. To me something is “canonical” when it has already been constructed or defined, and that construction is either unique or has some quality singling it out from other constructions of similar objects. But the J-term here is being postulated. From a semantic point of view one might say that it is being specified as part of an algebraic structure, but on the syntactic side it is being introduced as a new kind of syntactic entity, not being described or defined in terms of things that already exist. I’m not sure what the best phrasing to use there is, though.
I agree with you that “J” is a poor name. I think the HoTT book uses ind=. However, mathematicians do tend to be somewhat bound by tradition, even if it’s suboptimal, and there are some good reasons for that; if everyone was always changing the names and notations then it would be impossible to read anything. Jaap van Oosten said that “the only thing worse than bad terminology is continually changing terminology”, and I think he had a point.
The type C in the identity elimination does actually exist. It is a metavariable, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Its role is to specify the type of the term being defined. It is introduced by the first hypothesis of identity elimination “for any x,y:A and any reason p:IdA(x,y) why they are the same, we have a type C(x,y,p)”; this is an implicit universal quantification over all such C.
I don’t understand your complaint about ’all rules mentioning “C” require a “C” to construct another “C”.’ Are you talking about type formation rules? It’s true that many type formation rules do require types to make other types, but not all of them; for instance, the unit type, the booleans, the empty type, and the natural numbers are unconditional. If you can provide specific references to “references to symbols not introduced in the text” it would be much more helpful.
Actually, it doesn’t have to be a metavariable: in a type theory with universes, it could be an actual variable that is a type family incarnated as a function into a universe. In fact, the notation C(x,y,p) (rather than simply “C” containing variables x,y,p) suggests that this is what the author had in mind. The HoTT book is explicit about this (beginning of section 1.12.1). Probably the nLab entry would be improved by being more explicit too. (However, quite a lot of mathematical notation does depend on implicit assumptions and shared context.)
If I may make a meta-comment: you are raising potentially valuable suggestions for improvements in exposition, but your entitled-sounding attitude makes it emotionally difficult for me to respond in a productive manner. Keep in mind that the nLab is not a polished exposition like a textbook, and was never intended to be; it’s a public lab book. If you walk into a laboratory off the street and open the lab book, you would expect to find abbreviations and notes that wouldn’t make sense unless you had the context of the people writing them. We do often try to write nLab pages to be as readable as possible, but that isn’t the primary aim.
I concur with Mike’s last paragraph. We do want to hear about errors or where the nLab is not clear, but if we could put aside expressions of exasperation like “garbage”, “wasting more of my time”, “my tax money”, etc., it would help a lot I think.
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