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I added to excluded middle a discussion of the constructive proof of double-negated LEM and how it is a sort of “continuation-passing” transform.
We have a stub entry continuation-passing style. I have now made “continuation-passing” redirect to it, so that one more of your links points somewhere.
My coding skills are so bad. It would be good to have one example at least at continuation-passing style, but I can’t read even that first simple pyth program at the wikipedia page.
The connection between the double-negation translation and the continuation-passing transform is indeed quite intriguing! Also note that, while there is only one transformation on propositions/types, there are actually a few variants of the transformation on proofs/terms, corresponding to the different kinds of the continuation-passing transform.
David, the key idea is the following. Ordinarily, you call a subroutine/procedure/function and it returns to you some result:
y = f(x).
In contrast, if you employ continuation-passing style, then subroutines never return. Instead, when calling a subroutine, you pass an additional argument (a so-called continuation). This argument is itself a subroutine; it expects the result of the computation as its argument:
f(x,(y↦⋯)).The continuation-passing transform is a mechanical procedure which transforms a program written in direct style into the equivalent program written in continuation-passing style.
I have some slides on this material; but they are directed at a general computer science audience. Therefore they explain intuitionistic logic, but not continuations.
These are nice slides of yours. I have now referenced them here.
Yes, great slides.
I’m slowly getting there with continuation-passing. The naive factorial example here helped.
added publication data for
added also pointer to
{#Diaconescu75} Radu Diaconescu, Axiom of choice and complementation, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 51:176-178 (1975) (doi:10.1090/S0002-9939-1975-0373893-X)
{#GoodmanMyhill78} N. D. Goodman J. Myhill, Choice Implies Excluded Middle, Zeitschrift fuer Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 24:461 (1978)
And then I added pointer to a stand-alone entry Diaconescu-Goodman-Myhill theorem, which I am splitting off so that we may disambiguate from Diaconscu’s theorem
This article is being discussed here:
adding the paper to the references section:
Quentin Adamson
Added “Given a prime number p, the finite field ℤ/pℤ is a principal ideal domain” to “Other equivalent statements” section.
There are multiple definitions of a principal ideal domain, and the fact about integers and discrete fields being principal ideal domains is really about the equivalence of two definition of principal ideal domain:
as an integral domain whose ideals are principal
as a Bézout unique factorization domain
It is the equivalence of these two definitions of principal ideal domain that is equivalent to excluded middle.
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