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I don’t understand why, as stated in Numerable open covers, numerable covers are supposed to form a Grothendieck site. Where is this proved?
Okay, I’m guessing the definition of numerable covering given on the nLab page is just wrong. Following the linked article by Dold, “Partitions of unity in the theory of fibrations”, we see that introduction he writes in the introduction (speaking of certain properties P of continuous maps with target B):
Note that Dold only requires π−1γ(0,1] to be contained in some Vλ, not its closure (as in the nLab page). Also, I suspect “locally finite partition of unity” means not merely pointwise finite (as in the nLab page), but rather that every point b∈B has a neighborhood that intersects only finitely many π−1γ(0,1]. This is supported by May’s definition of numerable cover (in “Consise Introduction”, section 7.4), which is similar to (though maybe not identical to) Dold’s definition.
With this definition, it looks a lot more plausible to me that these form a site. In particular, it’s clear that partial sums ∑γ∈Sπγ for subsets S⊆Γ always define continuous functions B→[0,1], which you would seem to need to assemble numerable covers {Uλδ→Vλ} of a numerable cover {Vλ→B} into a numerable cover of B.
Probably to have a site, I also want to keep the condition that closures of π−1γ(0,1] are in some Vλ.
The two edits to the entry that are not purely formatting are version 1 and revision 3, both by David Roberts from 7 years ago. I suppose when David comes back online in a few hours he will see this here and react.
Wow, why do we only have pointwise finite? That’s never the definition, though one can adjust the collection of functions if it is merely pointwise finite to be locally finite: this is in Dold’s Lectures on algebraic topology, for instance.
If one merely asks for the existence of a partition of unity subordinate to an open cover in Dold’s sense, one can find a partition of unity with slightly smaller supports that still induces an open cover, no?
As to where this is proved, I (believed I) proved it, but have never published it. Even if numerable covers do not form a pretopology, I’m convinced they at least form a coverage, hence a site. In particular, one doesn’t actually need the comment in Charles’ last paragraph (assembling together numerable covers) to get a coverage.
Edit: I’ve seen the stronger ’support contained inside the open’ definition around the place, and I’m happy to keep that: do we just need to make a remark that this is slightly different to Dold’s version? Or are there results that hinge on his exact condition?
Ok, Dold’s book that I mmentioned in #6 , in A.2.14 shows that numerable covers in his sense form a coverage, hence a site. I can edit this in to the entry. I don’t claim my observing this fact to be incredibly ground-breaking, I’ve been saying for a long time it should have been obvious that classical algebraic topology is on the numerable site a lot if the time, hence all the restriction to paracompact spaces where the open covers site and the numerable site agree.
I’ve added some clarifying remarks around the claim there is a site (NB it didn’t say Grothendieck site, which would imply a Grothendieck (pre)topology, when all I claim is a coverage). I think we need to sort out which definition we adopt, in particular noting both conventions and which gives stability under composing covers)
Thanks, David, that helps a lot. BTW, I don’t actually need the numerable site … but I’ve been trying to puzzle out a bunch of things related to equivariant bundles and classifying spaces, and those sorts of theorems often involve a numerability hypothesis.
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