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Made a page for wheeled graph, which follows directly from generalized graph and draws from the recent book of Hackney, Robertson and Yau. Will add more later about how this relates to properads and PROPs, as well as graphical sets, which generalize simplicial sets and dendroidal sets.
Added more to this. Will probably make this a sort of jumping off page for digging in to graphical sets and graphical properads and so forth from the above mentioned book. Would love to know if anyone has any ideas on how to make more complicated graphs and put them on nlab. Should I import images made elsewhere?
Would love to know if anyone has any ideas on how to make more complicated graphs and put them on nlab. Should I import images made elsewhere?
There is a little bit on including and editing SVG files at HowTo (search for “SVG”). But possibly that’s not useful for your purposes. Including pictures made elswhere (by the usual html “img” tag) is probably the way to go.
Hmmm, doesn’t seem to be working for me, might be because I’m using chrome? I’ll try it on another browser.
Could you say more in detail what it is that is not working for you?
The simplest way to include a picture is to upload a file “picture.jpg” somewhere and then include it by adding the line
<img src"picture-url-goes-here" width="400">
into any Lab entry.
If you want to save the picture.jpg file on the Lab itself, proceed like so:
go to any entry (Sandbox for instance)
add the line
save, observe that a grayish link “picture.jpg” appears, click on it and follow the upload diagogue. When done the file sits at the URL
Use this with the img tag as above.
Ah sure, that’s all fine. I actually like the SVG editor though, it”s cool, but it doesn’t work when I try to open it with Google Chrome.
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