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Dear Steering Committee,
I’d like to ask for a personal web space. I’m especially hoping to use it for organizing notes on linear lambda calculus, and its connections to the theory of graphs on surfaces that I’ve been trying to understand. (You might have noticed bits and pieces of these interests floating into the nLab, like at reflexive object and at combinatorial map, but I’d like to try to flesh out a more coherent picture in hyperlinked form.) I might also use the personal web to record some notes from my work with Paul-André Melliès on categorical semantics of type refinement systems.
thank you,
I am in favor of you getting a personal web.
But allow me to suggest that “fleshing out a more coherent picture in hyperlinked form” sounds like just the kind of material that deserves to be on the main nLab. So I am hoping that you having a personal web will not draw away good stuff from the nLab.
For the record I’ll also say that we have bad experience with creating personal webs: if you look at the list of all subwebs here you notice that most people who got personal webs from us abandoned them immediately, or soon after. That’s a shame.
@Urs: It’s a tricky balance. I understand the desire to have a private space where I can write things that I’m less confident are correct, without them being part of the main nLab that the whole world is looking at. But once things are written in a private space, there’s an inertia that tends to prevent them from getting incorporated into the main nLab, even once one is relatively confident they are correct. E.g. a lot of my 2-categorical logic (michaelshulman) ought now to be in the main nLab, but I’ve never had the time or energy to move it. I don’t know if there is a good solution.
Mike, by the way: as long as Adeel remains unresponsive, and I keep not remembering the system password, you are probably the only one prepared to actually create a personal web for Noam.
Urs, as Mike said, I think it would be useful to have a place where I could work out more speculative material, and also where I wouldn’t have to worry as much about establishing enough context for the material to fit in with the rest of the nLab. But I do hope that some of the material could make it’s way back onto the nLab once it is sufficiently well-understood.
Not too much from Noam yet, #6. Perhaps great things are in the pipeline.
Not too much from Noam yet, #6.
*slightly embarrassed emoji*
Perhaps great things are in the pipeline.
No doubt just around the corner!
So my attention kind of drifted after I made this request and I took a little break from the nlab, but it’s nice to know that this space is there, and I hope to do something with it in the not-too-distant future. I’ve actually gotten back into editing on the main nlab recently, and was planning to post a few pointers here on the nforum soon.
I would be fine with it.
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