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Just to point out, without putting any pressure on anyone to do anything, but the various entries for ’bar construction’ could do with some coherent organisation. We have: bar construction, bar and cobar construction, simplicial bar construction and two-sided bar construction.
Perhaps also there’s some further wisdom to extract from Todd’s On the Bar Construction.
Much or most of that “wisdom” has been incorporated into bar construction, but maybe there’s more along those lines to add to two-sided bar construction – I’ll check.
I would like to understand better bar/cobar as applied to operads and such.
Well, I just checked two-sided bar construction, and what I thought might needed adding was actually there. But the entry needs a little rescuing: I was going on sheer memory on what was in Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces, and Jesse McKeown seems to think I messed up a bit. Can someone with more expertise (Mike?) take a look, and see if it can be fixed and the query box removed?
I don’t think I really have any more expertise here than you do, but I do at least have a copy of The Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces. Theorem 13.1 says (as a special case) that if X is a connected Cn-algebra, then there is a span of weak homotopy equivalences
ΩnB(Sn,Cn,X)←B(ΩnSn,Cn,X)←B(Cn,Cn,X)→Xwhich looks like your theorem, but has Cn’s in place of ΩnSn in the last place (and a corresponding backwards arrow instead of a forwards one). And Theorem 2.7 (which is proven in section 6) says that there is a natural map αn:CnX→ΩnSnX that is a weak homotopy equivalence if X is connected. I don’t quite understand what Jesse was worried about.
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