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If you have seen my recent postings either on G+ [1,2,4,5] or on MO [3] then you may have wondered what all this is in aid of. It’s an attempt to show that the moduli space of Yang-Mills instantons on S5 on the unique nontrivial SU(2) bundle there is non-empty (or rather, on a non-compact Riemannian manifold that compactifies to S5). This is parallel with simply trying to find solutions to the relevant PDEs, since it’s possible there are no solutions and I’m wasting my time.
The story is roughly as follows.
The current most concrete problem I’m trying to solve is at [5], where I have set up a rather classical geometric situation with concrete models for (skeleta of) classifying spaces in order to see if I can detect whether S5→ℂℙ2→BSO(3) is nontrivial from other easier-to-handle data, in particular an element of [S1,ℝℙ2]=ℤ/2.
[2] Looking at the Postnikov tower of BSO(3)
[3] The fifth k-invariant of BSO(3)
[4] …what happens to SO(3) bundles when pulled back along S^5 –> CP^2
I’ve had to roll back a couple of my claims at [5], since they were completely wrong. But I feel the map
ℍℙ2→˜Gr3(𝔤),for some Lie algebra 𝔤, should be well known.
Alternatively, I would be just as happy to know what the corresponding ℝℙ2 bundle E on an appropriately large ˜Gr3(V) is, where V has large enough dimension to be classifying for 4-manifolds. Because then I would pull E back along a classifying map ℂℙ2→˜Gr3(V) and check that the obstruction to S5→E descending to a section of E→ℂℙ2 was precisely the homotopy class of the map S1→ℝℙ2 on fibres.
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