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I’ve just come across Asudeh and Giorgolo’s work on the use of monads to understand various cognitive operations. There’s a summary here, which discusses four such applications:
I wonder what might be possible with a richer type system.
I added a reference at de re and de dicto.
I’ve started a page monad (in linguistics). In case you’re wondering why, I’m interested to see whether there are advantages to doing things this way, which often relies on the kind of type system of Montague grammar, rather than the dependent type approach.
Then what might be gained by combining these approaches? I see at Leuven they’re asking Masters students to look into this combination:
We are interested in how monads interact with dependently typed languages.
I see at Leuven they’re asking Masters students to look into this combination:
We are interested in how monads interact with dependently typed languages.
I am pleased to see that this idea is finally being picked up by others!
Also, I am eagerly awaiting Rijke-Spitters-Shulman’s “Modalities in homotopy type theory”. (If that comes out before about January next year, then Felix Wellen could cite it right away for some facts he needed for formalizing Cartan geoemtry).
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