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I expanded complete Segal space a little bit and started model structure for complete Segal spaces
I added to the Definition-section at model structure for complete Segal spaces the explicit statement of its nature as a left Bousfield localization of the Reedy model structure. In the course of this I reorganized the section somewhat.
Hoping to come back to this entry later to prettify it more.
In the section on “relation to quasi-categories”, the page model structure for complete Segal spaces defines the adjunction t!⊣t! using the functor
t(k,l)=Δk×Ex∞Δl.However, Joyal and Tierney define this adjunction using instead
t(k,l)=Δk×(Δl)′.where (Δl)′ is the nerve of the groupoid freely generated by [l]. Are these the same for some reason?
This is wrong notation for that groupoid. I am fixing it now. Thanks.
I have changed the notation to “ΔJ[n]” (for J-T’s ” (Δn)′ “) to harmonize with the notation of the more recent discussion at model structure for dendroidal complete Segal spaces here.
Great, thanks!
I have touched model structure for complete Segal spaces, added some hpyerlinks, some more proposition environments.
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