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at regular monomophism until rev 38 the statement of prop. 3.1 was essentially duplicated by the statement of lemma 3.2 (it seems that I had introduced this redundancy in rev 29). I have merged them
I have expanded the text in the proof of the identification of regular monos in Top with topological embddings: this prop. Then I copied that statement and proof over to Top – Properties – Epi/Monomorphisms
Something odd has happened at regular monomorphism, see the remark in the second section, where there is:
This concept is sometimes called <a class='existingWikiWord' href='/nlab/show/strict+monomorphism'>strict monomorphism</a>, dual to the more commonly used <a class='existingWikiWord' href='/nlab/show/strict+epimorphism'>strict epimorphism</a>
A backtick had been used as a left quotation mark, so everything after was treated as code, i.e. rendered verbatim. I have fixed it now by replacing the backtick by a simple ’.
Thanks, Richard. I thought it might have been a deeper problem.
You’re welcome, definitely worth checking.
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