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at general linear group we only had some sentences on its incarnation as an algebraic group. I have started a subsection Definition – As a topological group with some basics.
What’s a quick proof that the topology on GL(n,k) as a subspace of ℝn2 with its Euclidean topology coincides with that as a subspace of Maps(kn,kn) with its compact-open topology?
I guess k=ℝ?
So we do have an injective continuous map GL(n,ℝ)→Map(ℝn,ℝn), the currying of the continuous action GL(n,ℝ)×ℝn→ℝn. This says that the usual Euclidean topology is finer than the subspace topology coming from Map(ℝn,ℝn).
But the Euclidean topology is also coarser. Let’s do this for M(n,ℝ) instead of GL(n,ℝ). A Euclidean neighborhood base of a linear map or matrix A consists of sets of the form {B:∀1≤i≤n|Aei−Bei|<ε}. But this is a basis/base element for the function space topology, ⋂ni=1C(Ki,Ui) where Ki={ei} and Ui is the ε-ball about Aei.
(It may help to think of convergence in the function space topology as the exact same as uniform convergence over every compact set.)
Thanks, Todd!
I have added that to the entry here.
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