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I added to transchromatic character
The most accessible account for me that I’ve found on why a transchromatic character is a generalisation of an ordinary character is in the first 7 pages of an undergraduate thesis, albeit one supervised by Lurie:
Probably not what we’d normally use. Anyway, I’ll copy over the idea there of group characters as the zero-th cohomology of Map(S1,BG).
oh, we overlapped, I was just adding this
[ wrong thread ]
added publication data to:
I have cross-linked with Huan’s inertia orbifold.
It’s at the bottom of p. 2 of arXiv:1304.5194 that Stapleton almost writes down Huan’s inertia model. The place where this thought is picked up seems to be Remark 4.9 on p. 20. I still need to digest Stapleton’s notation more fully, but what that remark indicates is probably the co-free 2-action that I worked out here.
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