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Reading back through HTT (Hi by the way), and going back over the straightening construction. Proposition states that some properties are obvious. They don’t appear to be obvious.
First, recall the situation: We have a map of simplicial sets, a simplicial functor for a simplicially-enriched category , and we define
Then we define by the formula , where is the adjoined cone point. states that given a simplicial functor , there is a natural isomorphism between and where is left adjoint to the pullback induced by on the simplicial categories of simplicial op-presheaves.
There is an obvious morphism in one direction arising from the pushout and the fact that the cone point is pushed out again to a cone point:
It seems like morally everything should work because is a pushout, and the should mean pushing forward that mapping object by change of base, but I’m stuck.
Welcome back, Harry!
Good to be back I guess. I have a grad school interview in two weeks; let’s hope it goes alright.
Sorry to not have any mathematical comments on your question
Did you notice that Emily just blogged about a generalization of the straightening/unstraightening construction?
No, complete fluke. I picked HTT back up as a refresher for the interview haha, also going through atiyah-macdonald, lang, hartshorne, and I even cracked open ETCS for an hour.
I’ll check that out. I think Lurie did a pretty mediocre job of actually working out all of these proofs in HTT, but it was until now the only place where straightening/unstraightening was proven.
I am still interested in the answer. I spent a while trying to find the inverse of that map and trying to unravel the shriek functor to no avail.
Ahahahaha I found it. I remembered asking this question years ago, and I thought I remembered Urs answering it.
Here we go.
I guess I’m going to run headlong into another proof later on which is the one that Urs gave involving another weird cone construction.
Edit: Found all of my old topics for the nasty bits of chapter 2.
I might compile them into a little companion guide for HTT.
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