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Sorry for the slow reply. There are some thoughts about this in the entry Science of Logic.
that author has on RG six papers on particle physics from the late 90s jointly authored with his PhD supervisor, a thesis from Paris 7 in 1998, one 8-page paper from 2011 on the arXiv whose abstract starts
This article introduces Universal Quantum Relativity which is a simple Theory of Everything. It relies on an ultimate doctrine that is the absence of absolute existence. This generalizes relativity principles up to a mother quantum theory. […]
and two other pieces of writing that I hesitate to call articles. One (4 pages long) claims to extract the full standard model with no extraneous particles from a sedenion representation, but which has an elementary mathematical error in the second sentence of the abstract: “In this representation the 16-dimensional sedenions algebra is seen as 2-dimensional vector space over quaternions field.” and needs to remind the reader on the first page what the various quarks are called. The other is the one you mention above and has the concluding paragraph
In order to experimentally confirm the theory, it should be further formalized in three main directions. First, one should check if the properties of our observable Universe, recently characterized through analysis of the cosmic microwave background fluctuations thanks to WMAP and Planck observations can be reproduced. In particular one should compute the quadrupole and octopole orientations of the CMB within Univalent ToE and make a prediction on whether they are aligned with each other or not. Then, transferring knowledge from homotopy type theory to algebraic topology and higher group theory one should be able to compute mass formula in the standard model though the singular value decomposition of the Cayley-Dickson algebra multiplication map and coupling constants through entanglement quantifiers. Last but not least one should be able to quantify if the presence of zero-divisors in that multiplication map can model the unidentified type of matter called Dark matter.
All of this does not fill me with confidence, so I would not spend time trying to read or understand it (EDIT: that is: the linked article on RG, or the author’s other recent work).
not spend my time exploring it.
Just to highlight, that the “it” not worth exploring is just the specific article that you pointed to in #3, not the topic of your question in #1, which I replied to in #2.
Thanks, Urs; I’ve clarified my closing remark.
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