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Started thunk-force category.
What’s the explanation for the name?
It’s computer science terminology. A thunk is a delayed computation and then you can force a delayed computation to actually run. Wikipedia has more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunk
What are L, θ, and ε in the Kleisli category of a monad?
It’s computer science terminology. A thunk is a delayed computation and then you can force a delayed computation to actually run. Wikipedia has more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunk
This comment clearly deserves to be in the entry!
And I suggest to give these entries a “floating context TOC”. Of the ones we already have the most appropriate might be this:
+-- {: .rightHandSide}
+-- {: .toc .clickDown tabindex="0"}
### Context
#### Constructivism, Realizability, Computability
+-- {: .hide}
[[!include constructivism - contents]]
#### Category theory
+-- {: .hide}
[[!include category theory - contents]]
I’ve added an explicit description of the construction of a thunk-force category from a Kleisli category, and added a bit to the idea section about thunk and force.
Also, Urs I added the floating context but it doesn’t look quite right, compared to say Kleisli category. I fiddled with it a bit but couldn’t figure out the issue and I’m not very familiar with the markup language the nlab uses.
edit: I removed a paragraph in this comment that I realized was wrong so as not to mislead anyone
The problem with the TOC code was just the whitespace you had in front of the lines, that must not be there, apparently. Now it works.
Added the inverse construction of thunk-force category to monad and included a characterization of what monads correspond to thunk-force categories.
Interesting, thanks!
… but the changes don’t seem to have appeared. Are we in the middle of another editing bug? (I haven’t been reading the forum recently.)
I guess you have to edit an extra time?
I know this (still) happens whenever one makes any edit to the redirects of a page: then none of the other edits will be rendered after submitting, only after one goes back and makes any further edit (while not changing the redirects again, I suppose)
Suppose (K,L,θ,ε) is a thunk-force category, and we have another functor L′:K→K with a natural isomorphism L≅L′. Can we transfer the thunk-force structure along this isomorphism to get a thunk-force structure (K,L′,θ′,ε′)?
Similarly, can we transfer a thunk-force structure along equivalence of categories K≃K′?
Hi Urs, thanks for raising! Could you explain what precisely you mean by ’editing redirects of a page’? I don’t think I’ve come across this situation before, I will take a look once I understand the scenario.
I think Urs means adding/removing lines of the form [[!redirects ...]]
Hm, I just tried to produce a minimal example of the bug on the Sandbox, but I failed to trigger the bug there.
On the other hand, I am encountering this bug every other day when editing pages, so I am sure it’s there. But apparently then some other factor is involved in triggering it.
Interesting. Please let me know the next time you encounter this, it should be fix-able, but without an example it is difficult for me to debug.
I have now a “working” example of that bug to point to:
I have just started to add a new subsection to diffeological space. In the source code it’s visible as
### Relation to topological spaces
Then I added one redirect to the page
[[!redirects D-topology]]
After that, the added material no longer appears in the output of the page.
Experience shows that if next I made any other edit to the page the output will appear. But I’ll leave it as is for the moment in order to demonstrate the bug.
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