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adjoint operator was in a very poor state, so I copied in at least the start of self-adjoint operator.
added (here) a quote by MacLane on the history of the notion:
Two of von Neummann’s papers on this topic [Hilbert spaces] had been accepted in the Mathematische Annalen, a journal of Springer Verlag. Marshall Stone had seen the manuscripts, and urged von Neumann to observe that his treatment of linear operators T on a Hilbert space could be much more effective if he were to use the notion of an adjoing Tast to the linear transformation T — one for which the now familiar equation
would hold for all suitable a and b. Von Neumann saw the point immediately, as was his wont, and wishes to withdraw the papers before publication. They were already set up in type; Springer finally agreed to cancel them on the condition that von Neumann write for them a book on the subject — which he soon did [1932].
This story (told to me by Marshall Stone) illustrates the important conceptual advance represented by the definition of adjoint operators. &lbrack…] I have written elsewhere [1970] that it is a step toward the subsequent description of a functor G right adjoint to a functor F, in terms of a natural isomorphism
between hom-sets in suitable categories.
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