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It is a bit confusing: a direct summand of an infinity groupoid. How does this look like, e.g. what is in reality a direct sum of Kan complexes ? (I don't mean the uni property but explicit description).
It just means: the two oo-groupoids each consist of a bunch of connected components and
and a morphism
satisfies this condition if the component maps
are equivalences and the function
is injective.
I added that to the entry, now.
So in particular, in the -topos of topological spaces, an inclusion (even a nice one) need not be an -monomorphism. Do anyone here knows of a different notion for a monomorphism in an -topos that will include (nice) inclusions of topological spaces?
I don’t have such a good feel for that -category as I should, but here’s one general fact that may be relevant: in an -category (and already in a -category, a regular monomorphism need not be a monomorphism. So if nice inclusions aren’t monomorphisms, they may yet be regular (or strong, extremal, etc) monomorphisms.
In -categories, I don’t know; Urs would. In -categories, the nLab has somewhat better coverage of the dual epimorphisms; see epimorphism#Variations for discussion of how the different forms relate.
I think it’s misleading to talk about “the -topos of topological spaces”; it’s better to call it the -topos of -groupoids. Topological spaces are a particular way to present -groupoids, but a lot of information is lost in passing from a topological space to its fundamental -groupoid.
In particular, every morphism of -groupoids can be presented by a subspace inclusion of topological spaces, namely a relative cell complex (a cofibration in the Quillen model structure).
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