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I have added a comment and collected some references on the renormalization freedom in the cosmological constant: here
I have cross-linked this with related entries: renormalization, perturbative quantum gravity and stress-energy tensor
I have expanded a little more. The most pronounced statement of the renormalization-freedom in the cosmological constant is in Hack 15, section 3.2.1
added a paragraph In inhomogeneous cosmology with some pointers (taken from the entry inhomogeneous cosmology)
added pointer to today’s
added pointer to
also to
added pointers regargind effective dark energy from higher curvature corrections, as in the Starobinsky model of cosmic inflation:
Michal Artymowski, Zygmunt Lalak, Inflation and dark energy from f(R) gravity, JCAP09(2014)036 (arXiv:1405.7818)
Michal Artymowski, Zygmunt Lalak, Marek Lewicki, Inflation and dark energy from f(R) gravity (arXiv:1510.04864)
added yet one more recent reference calling into question the interpretation of type Ia supernovae as indicative of positive cc dark energy:
Yijung Kang, Young-Wook Lee, Young-Lo Kim, Chul Chung, Chang Hee Ree, Early-type Host Galaxies of Type Ia Supernovae. II. Evidence for Luminosity Evolution in Supernova Cosmology, Astrophysical Journal (arXiv:1912.04903)
exposition in
_New evidence shows that the key assumption made in the discovery of dark energy is in error diff, v27, current
This is the most remarkable development.
I have added more prominent pointer to Witten’s Dark Fantasy and am expanding there in the “Phenomenology”-section.
added pointer to
added pointer to today’s
adding reference
Added new preprint to “Tests” subsection of references
Also added publication information for the previous article by Benisty, Davis, and Evans:
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