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At natural deduction it says
natural deduction with computation rules gives a formulation of computation. See computational trinitarianism for discussion of this unification of concepts.
But I don’t see anything at these links to help explain the role of the C in FIEC (formation-introduction-elimination-computation). Philosophers call the satisfaction of computation rules ’harmony’, and there’s some reflection on why this is desirable, and of course arguments against.
There should presumably be perspectives on this from the three corners of the trinity of trinitarianism. What can we say from the perspectives of computing and of category theory?
E.g., in the case of category theory, one will want to talk about universal properties. In the case of product, we know this is right adjoint to duplication.
I see Mike said some useful things here.
Right. From the perspective of computation, the computation rules are what allow you to compute. And from the perspective of category theory, they implement universal properties. A (left) universal property is in general a representation of a functor, i.e. an isomorphism between a functor F and a representable functor hom(X,−). The introduction rule is the map hom(X,−)→F (or its Yoneda reduct, an element of F(X)); the elimination rule is the map F→hom(X,−); the computation rule says that the composite F→hom(X,−)→F is the identity; and the uniqueness rule says that the composite hom(X,−)→F→hom(X,−) is the identity.
My understanding is that the universal properties give you equations, such as beta/eta equations. But it is another thing to build (compute?) a normal form, which typically requires orienting the equations, such as beta reduction and eta expansion. Perhaps this is what Mike meant by “implement”. I am not sure whether “computation” refers to the equations or to their oriented forms.
Re #5, does this point to the reason for looking to bicategories to represent computation, as in the work John Baez and Mike Stay were doing (and no doubt many others).
Re #4, thanks, Mike. So could one do some counterfactual ’trinitarian’ history where the computer scientist sees the need for universal properties? And another where the category theorist foresees the need for formation-introduction-elimination-computation?
I see at representability determines functoriality it claims that the lemma there
gives an explanation for why the “dogma” of introduction and elimination rules is so effective in practice.
Another thing, the page speaks of “this lemma”, but nowhere is anything titled ’Lemma’. Presumably it’s the final two sentences of section 3.
[edit: this should have been on the other thread, but has been acted on.]
Re #7, I guess so.
Re #5, that’s true, there is a difference there. Maybe the thing to say is that the “computation rules” (including uniqueness rules) can “often” be oriented to determine an operational notion of computation?
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