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Edit to: GUT by Urs Schreiber at 2018-04-01 01:21:13 UTC.
Author comments:
added pointer to textbook account
expanded the Idea-section with some lines on the algebraic motivation for SU(5)- and Spin(10)-GUTs, with specific pointers to page and verse in Baez-Huerta 09 for details.
in the process I introduced sub-sections to the Idea-section and re-shuffled the previous material just slightly, for better logical flow.
added pointer to
added this pointer:
Claim that threshold corrections can considerably alter (decrease) proton decay rate predictions in non-supersymmetric GUTs:
added pointer to today’s
added pointer to
added pointer to today’s
Mainak Chakraborty, M.K. Parida, Biswonath Sahoo, Triplet Leptogenesis, Type-II Seesaw Dominance, Intrinsic Dark Matter, Vacuum Stability and Proton Decay in Minimal SO(10) Breakings (arXiv:1906.05601)
Results indicating non-SUSY SO(10) as self sufficient theory for neutrino masses, baryon asymmetry, dark matter, vacuum stability of SM scalar potential, origin of three gauge forces, and observed proton stability.
added also pointer to
and added a graphics from these slides to the entry
added pointer to today’s
have added pointes on “SO(16)”-GUT (here), such as these:
Frank Wilczek, Anthony Zee, Families from spinors, Phys. Rev. D 25, 553 (1982) (doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.25.55310.1103/PhysRevD.25.553)
Goran Senjanović, Frank Wilczek, Anthony Zee, Reflections on mirror fermions, Physics Letters B Volume 141, Issues 5–6, 5 July 1984, Pages 389-394 Physics Letters B (doi:10.1016/0370-2693(84)90269-7)
in the section on “SO(10)-GUT” I have added this:
The exact gauge group of the standard model of particle physics (see there) is isomorphic to the subgroup of Spin(9) ⊂ Spin(10) which respects a splitting ℍ⊕ℍ≃ℝℂ⊕ℂ3 (Spin(9)#Krasnov 19).
added the original reference intorducing “SO(10)”-GUT:
added pointer to these recent articles:
Alfredo Aranda, Francisco J. de Anda, Stephen F. King, Exceptional Unification of Families and Forces (arXiv:2005.03048)
Alfredo Aranda, Francisco J. de Anda, Complete E8 Unification in 10 Dimensions (arXiv:2007.13248)
added pointer to today’s
added pointer to this preprint, from a few days ago:
added pointer to today’s
added these pointers on a quasi-realistic “flipped” SU(5)-GUT, modeled in 4d heterotic string theory and subsuming realistic Starobinsky-type cosmic inflation:
Ignatios Antoniadis, John Ellis, John S. Hagelin, Dimitri Nanopoulos, The flipped SU(5)×U(1) string model revamped, Physics Letters B 231 1–2 (1989) 65-74 [doi:10.1016/0370-2693(89)90115-9]
Ignatios Antoniadis, Dimitri Nanopoulos, John Rizos, Cosmology of the string derived flipped SU(5), J. Cosm. Astrop. Phys 03 (2021) 017 [arXiv:2011.09396, doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2021/03/017]
Ignatios Antoniadis, Dimitri Nanopoulos, John Rizos, Particle physics and cosmology of the string derived no-scale flipped SU(5), Eur. Phys. J. C 82 (2022) 377 [arXiv:2112.01211, doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10353-6]
added pointer to today’s
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