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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorRodMcGuire
    • CommentTimeApr 9th 2018
    • (edited Apr 9th 2018)

    I noticed in the Reyes&Reyes blog the April 2, 2018 announcement:

    First Order Categorical Logic

    This document is a re-writing of the book of Makkai-Reyes with the same title. It is due to Francisco Marmolejo, who not only re-wrote it but made several corrections.

    Makkai-Reyes book

    This is the book

    • Michael Makkai and Gonzalo Reyes, First Order Categorical Logic: Model-theoretical methods in the theory of topoi and related categories, Lecture Notes in Math. 611, Springer-Verlag, 1977.

    Does this mean that it is copyright legal to link to the PDF they link above, or would it be better to link through their blog post.

    Currently there are ~10 nLab references to this book.

    Rather than copy-paste editing them all I’m exploring separating out the reference REF First Order Categorical Logic (which currently links the PDF through the blog post) and then changing each page to [[!include REF First Order Categorical Logic]] (which I haven’t done yet). This way REF First Order Categorical Logic can be altered and all those pages will reflect that.

    Including a REF does work. See SandboxSandbox/1477

    Generic figures and their glueings

    Reyes&Reyes have also recently updated their 2004 blog post Generic figures and their glueings to give a link to the complete PDF of that book rather than just a sample, though the Wayback machine doesn’t say when that happened.

    • Marie La Palme Reyes, Gonzalo Reyes and Houman Zolfaghari, Generic figures and their glueings – A constructive approach to functor categories, Polimetrica Milano 2004.

    There are about 14 nLab references to that book that also need updating and being made consistent.

    I haven’t yet created REF Generic figures and their glueings because some may object to this approach or that it needs to be more elaborate or sophisticated.