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added pointer to Sorokin 01
finally cross-lonked with kappa-symmetry. Also brought in the relevant text from there.
added pointer to:
added pointer to:
In this note:
we construct what seems to be the first non-trivial actual example of a brane super-embedding.
(This is an expanded version of what used to be section 2 of Flux Quantization on Holographic M5-Branes.)
Added pointer to early consideration of the idea of superstring sigma-models where both the worldsheet as well as the target spacetime are treated as supermanifolds (under the name “supersymmetry squared”):
S. James Gates Jr., Hitoshi Nishino: D=2 superfield supergravity, local (supersymmetry)2 and non-linear 2 models, Classical and Quantum Gravity 3 3 (1986) 391-399 [doi:10.1088/0264-9381/3/3/013, spire:217518]
R. Brooks, F. Muhammad, S. James Gates Jr.: Matter Coupled to D=2 Simple Unidexterous Supergravity, Local (Supersymmetry)2 and Strings, Class. Quant. Grav. 3 5 (1986) 745-751 [doi:10.1088/0264-9381/3/5/005, spire:237390]
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