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It is a little bit awkward that the entry is called quantum Yang-Baxter matrix with redirect quantum Yang-Baxter equation, but the matrix case is just a special case in the category of vector spaces. Maybe we should split the entry or simply do it other way around, making the title quantum Yang-Baxter equation and then having a special case mentioned as a redirect. This is far more logical.
fixed typos (brading, categores)
inserted missing “the”s
fixed formatting of math formulas
fixed “the quantum YB operator” to “a quantum YB operator”
added hyperlinks to the main technical terms
added cross-link with braid group representation
added a pointer on the use of qYB for braid group representations:
added pointer to the original references that the historical remark means to refer to:
Rodney J. Baxter, Solvable eight-vertex model on an arbitrary planar lattice, Philos. Trans. Royal Society A 289 1359 (1978) [doi:10.1098/rsta.1978.0062]
Rodney J. Baxter, Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics, Academic Press (1982) [webpage, pdf]
added pointer to:
Michio Jimbo, Introduction to the Yang-Baxter Equation, Int. J. Modern Physics A 4 15 (1989) 3759-3777 [doi:10.1142/S0217751X89001503]
reprinted in: Braid Group, Knot Theory and Statistical Mechanics, Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics 9, World Scientific (1991) [doi:10.1142/0796]
added pointer to:
Jarmo Hietarinta: All solutions to the constant quantum Yang-Baxter equation in two dimensions, Physics Letters A 165 3 (1992) 245-251 [doi;10.1016/0375-9601(92)90044-M]
Jarmo Hietarinta: The complete solution to the constant quantum Yang-Baxter equation in two dimensions, talk at 19th International Colloquium on Group-theoretical Methods in Physics [arXiv:hep-th/9210067]
added these pointers:
Gandalf Lechner, Ulrich Pennig, Simon Wood: Yang-Baxter representations of the infinite symmetric group, Adv. Math., Vol. 355 (2019) 106769 [arXiv:1707.00196, doi:10.1016/j.aim.2019.106769]
Gandalf Lechner: All involutive solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation, talk at Advances in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (2017) [pdf]
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