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    • CommentRowNumber1.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2018
    • (edited May 29th 2018)

    Further in the spirit of uncovering (super-) homotopy-theoretic foundations for the theory of M-branes, we finally have a readable version of an article that spells out the mechanism of gauge enhancement on M-branes, via universal constructions in rational parameterized stable homotopy theory (as was previewed in the last part of my talk at StringMath17):

    • Hisham Sati, Vincent Braunack-Mayer, U.S.:

      Gauge enhancement of Super M-Branes via rational parameterized stable homotopy theory


    This applies, and was the original motivation for, the results from Vincent Braunack-Mayer’s PhD thesis on rational parameterized stable homotopy theory.

    While it’s “just rational”, it is not completely trivial, and we learn something about what the non-rational lift should look like. More on that another time…

    • CommentRowNumber2.
    • CommentAuthorDavidRoberts
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2018

    On page 5, when you write

    The double dimensional reduction of these yields all the brane species in type IIA string theory, except the D6 and except the D8

    followed by a figure illustrating this, the D0D0 is left all on its own, not arising from the fundamental branes in M-theory. Likewise the F 2F_2 and the μ D0\mu_{D0} later. For example, on the bottom of page 8, the μ D6\mu_{D6} and μ D8\mu_{D8} are highlighted as coming from the extra information arising from fibrewise stabilisation and cyclification, but not the μ D0\mu_{D0}. I know this is meant to come from something else, but it looks odd that the text doesn’t connect with the figures.

    On p9 “The rational version of Snaith’s theorem is not a deep theorem but an immediate fact, as ?is the rational version of its generalization from plain to twisted K-theory” (missing word?)

    • CommentRowNumber3.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2018
    • (edited May 30th 2018)

    Thanks for the comment!

    True, the case of the D0 should be mentioned in the introduction. The new version now highlights this: The fundamental D0 is the incarnation of the circle fibration itself, in that its 2-form flux is really a form representative of the Chern class of the circle bundle.

    And yes, in that other sentence a word “is” was meant to be present. Thanks again.

    • CommentRowNumber4.
    • CommentAuthorDavid_Corfield
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2018


    M-therory; homotopty; equivalntly

    • CommentRowNumber5.
    • CommentAuthorUrs
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2018

    Thanks! Fixed now.