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included pointer to the new preprint:
Will add this also to G-structure, Cartan geometry and maybe other related entries.
Is it possible to comment briefly on what’s changed since the thesis?
One important difference is in the definition of torsion free G-structures which turned out to be too restrictive in the original version,
The proofs in this article make more use of type theoretic dependency which shortens the arguments a lot in most cases.
The thesis didn’t get around to defining the moduli types of torsionfree G-structures, there remained a gap. This article is a streamlined account of the thesis results that also fills this gap. One statement that had been missing in the thesis is that the canonical G-structure on the local modal V itself is in fact torsion-free, now proven in the last section.
Ok, thanks. There always seem to be things to admire about dependent sum for groups actions.
added reference
and redirects for crystalline modality and crystalline modalities
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