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Moved talk by McLarty to the History section of the refernces from functorial geometry
Thanks! That’s where it fits well. I also copied it to the entry “topos” in the section “References – History” here.
added nLab hyperlink and ISBN to:
Added pointer to
and grouped this with SG4 from “this is not actually a textbook” to “Original texts”
added pointer to
and re-arranged the items around it into chronological order
for when editing is back up
The YouTube link in
Colin McLarty, Grothendieck’s 1973 topos lectures, Séminaire Lectures grothendieckiennes, 3 May (2018) (YouTube video)
no longer works, but this Oct 7, 2018 one does.
It may also appear in topos and maybe elsewhere.
Thanks for this heads-up.
Link rot is a real issue for our pages. In the case of author pdf-files that are not stably hosted elsewhere (such as PhD theses that are kept only on the author’s website) I have adopted the habit of saving a local copy to the nLab server and linking that in addition to the author’s original. For videos this practice is maybe neither practical nor reasonable (and in fact impossible under the existing file size constraints, though this could change, now that Richard is reworking the whole installation).
Internet archive is an option, people are doing that more at MO.
Fixed dead YouTube link for McLarty talk on Grothendieck 1973 lectures, with link found by Rod McGuire at https://nforum.ncatlab.org/discussion/8662/sheaf-and-topos-theory/?Focus=97418#Comment_97418 .
The video was uploaded to YouTube on Oct 7, 2018, but the title frame dates the talk as “3 mai 2018”. So it appears to be the same May 3, 2018 talk that the existing reference referred to.
(Edit: Also made the same update at Colin McLarty.)
added pointer to:
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