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added pojnter to Maldacena-Nunez 01
added this pointer
Ulf Danielsson, The quantum swampland (arXiv:1809.04512)
(argues that the issue with stringy de Sitter moduli stabilization raised in Sethi 17 is related to the de Sitter instability seen in QFT, according to the references above)
and then added a bunch of older references on instability of de Sitter in QFT, now here
The debate over the validity of Kallosh-Kachru-Linde-Trivedi 03 (“KKLT”) keeps going, have added pointer to today’s
But “debate” is maybe not quite the right word. While the critics try to be careful about their arguments, as highlighted in the above article, the reaction from KKL, so far, is essentially a plain repetition of the same story that is being critized on concrete points, accompanied by what seems to need to be called a PR campaign for the three Stanford professors involved (here).
added more basic references
Thomas Hartman, Lecture Notes on Classical de Sitter Space (pdf, HartmanDeSitterSpacetime.pdf:file)
Marcus Spradlin, Andrew Strominger, Anastasia Volovich, Les Houches Lectures on De Sitter Space (arXiv:hep-th/0110007)
as well as a graphics on different spatial slicings of de Sitter spacetime
added pointer to today’s
Added pointer to today’s
Ivano Basile, Alessia Platania, String Tension between de Sitter vacua and Curvature Corrections (arXiv:2103.06276)
“We show that the resulting higher-derivative α′-corrections forbid the existence of de Sitter vacua, at least in regimes where string-loop corrections can be neglected.”
(There is too much of this debate on the arXiv each weak to sensibly keep our references updated, but this one stood out in its concrete claim.
One day the community will converge here. And then maybe realize that they have been in disconnect from the SM-model building community all along…)
added pointer to:
reviewed in:
Hi, I noticed that the text “(e.g. here)” in Section 1 contains a broken link, added back in 2017 (revision #5).
The target of the link is
which now just redirects to the Google search home page.
I don’t think that the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine is much help in this case. Urs, do you remember which text this was?
Thanks for the heads-up.
This is a classical statement for which one could give any number of references. I have now changed the broken link to a pointer to Blau’s lectures (§39.1, around p. 883)
(I am about to hit the road for a small vacation. Will not be replying, or not as often, in the next few days.)
added pointer to today’s
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