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merged some material into this entry. What is actually the original reference? Is it Ehresmann 63 or Bastiani-Ehresmann 74?
Well, 63<74…
All right, so I’ll check myself… No, it’s not in that article from 63 that I pointed to (which I got from your article). The term “quintet” is just announced there, with pointer to another article. But it’s not so important, just thought I’d check while I am at it. The world will survive without knowing where Ehresmann noted down this simple idea first.
In Ehresmann’s collected works there is at no 58: Catégorie double des quintettes; applications covariantes, C.R.A.S. Paris 256 (1963), 1891-1894. Andrée Ehressmann comments on this in the Collected Works.
The paper is in volume III.
Thanks! So I adjusted the text around the references accordingly.
Thanks everyone! Maybe I got the “63” reference wrong originally.
Mike, you did not. He mentions it in the paper to which you referred, but there he refers to the Comptes Rendus paper for more details.
for more details.
For any details. Unless I am missing something.
Yes you’re right!
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