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polished and expanded the Idea-section at AQFT
Tim, that sounds very good. Thanks for doing this. This will be a big bonus for the nLab.
Once our esteemed Todd Trimble asked for QFT literature, and I think we pointed him to Halvorson's article. You might take Todd as your test victim. If he likes the style of the math presentation, then it wil be good.
(On the other hand, we haven't seen Todd here for a while (?))
<p>Is it my imagination, or do you feel a change in the wind? First Ian talks about <a href="http://www.math.ntnu.no/~stacey/Vanilla/nForum/comments.php?DiscussionID=935&page=1">Yoneda at APS</a> and now this :)</p>
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