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We have a couple more relevant references at Goodwillie calculus:
Gregory Arone, Marja Kankaanrinta, The Goodwillie tower of the identity is a logarithm, 1995 (pdf, web)
Greg Arone, Mark Mahowald, The Goodwillie tower of the identity functor and the unstable periodic homotopy of spheres, Inventiones mathematicae February 1999, Volume 135, Issue 3, pp 743-788 (pdf)
Sure, there is loads to be written into this entry. As I said, I was being interrupted. Have to quit for tonight.
expanded the Idea-section and added brief statement of relation to configuration spaces and little n-disk operads:
While the Goodwillie calculus of functors is an accurate (∞,1)-categorification of ordinary differential calculus, in that it obeys various analogous rules, such as notably the chain rule, it is fails one such rule, in an interesting way:
While in ordinary differential calculus the derivative of the identity function ℝ1id→ℝ1 on the real line is itself the identity, this is not the case for the Goodwillie derivative of the identity functor Top*/Id→Top*/ on the category of pointed topological spaces.
But the Goodwillie chain rule implies then that the nontrivial Goodwillie derivatives D•Id of the identity functor satisfy a good algebraic compositional law. Indeed, they form an operad in spectra (Ching 05a).
For X a parallelizable manifold of dimension dim(X)∈ℕ (without boundary) and for n∈ℕ any natural number, the n⋅dim(X)-shifted suspension spectrum of the configuration space Confn(X) of n points in X (whose elements are such configurations, and a basepoint is freely adjoined) is canonically an algebra over the operad of Goodwillie derivatives
labelConfigurationSpaceAsAlgebraOverGoddwillieDerivativesOfIdentityΣ−ndim(X)Σ∞Confn(X)∈Alg(D•Id).For each natural number d∈ℕ is a canonical homomorphism of operads from the Goodwillie derivatives of the identity functor to the the d-fold looping of the little d-disk operad, incarnated as the Fulton-MacPherson operad
ϕ:D•Id⟶Σ−dEdwhere the shifted operad on the right has component space in degree k given by the iterated loop space
(Σ−dEd)(k)≔Ωd(k−1)(En(k)).Now the configuration space Conn(X) from above is also canonically an algebra over the little n-disk operad (Markl 99):
Σ−ndim(X)Σ∞Confn(X)∈Alg(Σ−dim(X)Edim(X)).Conjecturally, the operad-homomorphism (eq:HomomorphismToLittleNDiskOperad), via its induced functor on algebras over an operad
ϕ*:Alg(Σ−dim(X)Edim(X))⟶Alg(D•Id)identifies these two algebra over an operad-structures on shifted configuration spaces of points from (eq:ConfigurationSpaceAsAlgebraOverGoddwillieDerivativesOfIdentity) and from (eq:ConfigurationSpaceAsAlgebraOverLittleNDiskOperad)
Σ−ndim(X)Σ∞Confn(X)∈Alg(Σ−dim(X)Edim(X))ϕ*⟶Alg(D•Id)Where it says there
While in ordinary differential calculus the derivative of the identity function ℝ1id→ℝ1 on the real line is itself the identity
why isn’t the derivative the constant function with value 1?
Oh, because you’re taking the derivative d(id) as acting between tangent spaces, as explained here.
Of course it doesn’t matter too much which perspective one takes, as both have their analogue in Goodwillie calculus.
Ok, so I added a word on that.
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