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J. Caruso, Stefan Waner: An Approximation to ΩnΣnX, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 265 1 (1981) 147-162 [doi:10.2307/1998487, jstor:1998487, pdf]
Shingo Okuyama: A simple solution for a group completion problem, Trends in Mathematics 7 1 (2004) 69-74 [pdf, Okuyama-GroupCompletion.pdf:file]
Shingo Okuyama: The space of intervals in a Euclidean space, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 5 (2005) 1555-1572 [arXiv:math/0511645, doi:10.2140/agt.2005.5.1555]
(on enhancing McDuff’s configurations of signed points to signed intervals/cubes in order to get a full model of ΩnΣnX for arbitrary X)
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